Updated Thursday 13th June 1996
An aerial shot by Steve Alexander. Copyright 1996.
We now have confirmation of this Crop Circle just outside of Cambridge. It's now located on the right hand side of the M11, near the suburb of Girton. The design is a single circle in Oil Seed Rape with a shape inside. The OS map grid reference is TL:4180 6040 (approx). This might contain the curves we were mentioning in the last message. More information will be forthcoming in the next couple of days. This report came from the Cambridgeshire Convenor.
Another report of the formation by Diahann Krishma
The first (reported) crop circle in the UK is conveniently located nr. the cross of the M11 & A14 (in the NW corner of the city for US people). I've been looking at that field for over a week (distinctly spotted it on my way home from work last Monday). Have been driving past that field everyday on the way in to work for many months. I even scouted the field last Wednesday night because I noticed it looked different, but got there so late that I had to leave before finding it as it was getting dark. I was less than 30 metres away! On the 154 Cambridgeshire Ordnance map it's number 418605.
Now for the details... it's in oilseed rape, which is now approximately 4' tall. Nothing like the feeling of walking in the middle of a bright golden field and stumbling upon a massive disturbance spread out at your feet! This formation is rather large (I would guess around 100' in length north to south), but will go back for measurements tomorrow. The lay of the stalks starts from the centre & swirls out in a counterclockwise direction. It's going to be tough to describe. It is similar to a galaxy formation of last year, but is more rounded. A yin/yang symbol is a close image of the wave-like interior of the main part. There is an offshoot that ends with a circle about 4' in diameter to the south. From the ground sketch it seems like the offshoot is similar in shape to the standing stalks inside the circle/ellipse. There is no symmetry to the shape, but it has a "bulging" effect. The pathways that go around the centre vary in size from 2'-6'. This will be very difficult to measure accurately, but I'm going to take two basic measurements later today.
Hoax factor? I was curious to see a formation in oilseed rape b/c I'd heard of it's brittle nature. It's like trying to bend a pot of mums that are four feet tall with thick stalks that snap easily. In addition, when you try to push down a large section in the middle of a field to the ground... it's really heavy! And the stalks don't bend at the base as I observed in the formation. I have a sample I brought home & will try to put a photo on the web asap so others can see. I know the formation occurred within the past week & a half right next to the busiest intersection in Cambridge.